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cordless hair dryers cordless hair dryers Which hair dryer, ac or dc, is superior? According to Coughlin, "a professional choice tends to be an alternating current (AC) motor because it is typically stronger and hotter than a dryer utilizing a direct current (DC) motor." Having said that, because it is significantly lighter, a DC dryer is ideal for everyday use. electric clothes lint remover What kind of hairdryer is comparable to a Dyson? GHD Helios The GHD Helios has three temperature and two speed settings that are simple to access. It produces 1875W of power. The GHD Helios actually manages to dry hair faster than the Dyson Supersonic, taking the crown from Dyson. electric clothes lint remover Is hair damaged when a hairdryer is used? The use of hair dryers frequently can result in hair damage such as dryness, roughness, and color loss. It is vital to comprehend the most effective way to dry hair without causing harm. What makes ionic hair dryers superior? ...